Signature #4 Jim Root Terror Head From Orange Amplification
Wins Total Guitar: Amplifier Of The Year
Orange Amplifications first signature amp in over forty years, the Signature #4 Jim Root Terror Head, has just been awarded the Amplifier Of The Year Award, sponsored by Total Guitar, at the MIA Awards held on the 22nd November 2012 at the Emirates Stadium in London.
Left to right : Antony Gunter (Orange European Sales Manager), Stuart Willams (Total Guitar Editor), Damon Waller (Orange Managing Director)
Launched to rave reviews at the 2012 Winter NAMM, the Signature #4 Jim Root Terror Head went on to win the Guitar World Gold Award for performance and achieve the joint highest review score in iGuitar magazine. The Total Guitar: Amplifier Of The Year Award, judged by a public vote through Future Publishing’s MusicRadar website, is the crowning glory for a very successful year for this extremely impressive amp.
The Signature #4 Jim Root Terror Head is a combination of Orange Amps technology with Jim’s love of the ‘pics only’ amps and his wish for it to be affordable. Everyone at Orange is very proud to have received this prestigious award and to have worked closely with Jim on this special amplifier.